District Maps

School and District Maps

Find Your School with Zone Finder and Pathway Maps


A Guide to District Maps

Use the maps and links in the document holder folders to find a specific school, a district map, or individual school zones. Here's what you can find in each folder on this page:

Cluster Maps

  • Cluster Maps are provided for each high school in the district and the areas served by the elementary and middle schools that feed into that high school.Online Cluster Map

Zoned Options Maps

  • Zoned Options maps show which geographic areas of the district offer two zoned school choices to residents - the first being a school located in, or near, their neighborhood and the second, often more distant school, that is more diverse. School bus transportation is provided. 

District Maps

  • District Maps include maps showing location, capacity, and enrollment numbers by school; schools included in the optional schools application, and Board of Education districts. 

Interactive Mapping

Geographic Priority Zones

  • Geographic Priority Zones maps show which schools participating in the school options process provide enrollment preference to students living in defined geographic areas and the area included in those GPZs. Admission from a GPZ is not guaranteed and is based on available space.


View District Maps

District maps are filed by folder in the document container on this page.