5-Year Review
Pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-13-121(k), the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) developed guidelines for local education agency (LEA) authorizers and charter schools to facilitate the five-year interim review process. In Tennessee, charter agreements are established for ten-year periods. Best practice for charter authorizers includes monitoring and meaningful feedback with charter schools on an annual basis during the charter term.
In addition to annual reviews, strong interim reviews are a vital component in providing effective oversight of charter schools and sharing best practices across all schools within the charter authorizer’s jurisdiction.
Tennessee state law requires LEA authorizers to conduct an interim review every five years of each charter school authorized by the LEA. T.C.A. § 49-13-121(k): An interim review of a charter school shall be conducted by the chartering authority under guidelines developed by the department of education in the fifth year of a charter school's initial period of operation and also in the fifth year following any renewal of a charter agreement.
Such guidelines shall require a charter school to submit to the chartering authority a report on the progress of the school in achieving the goals, objectives, pupil performance standards, content standards and other terms of the approved charter agreement. The interim review shall take place during the fifth year of operation for each charter school and then in the fifth year following any renewal decisions.
Visit the Tennessee Department of Education website for information on:
- Operators and authorizers
- Interim Review Guidelines
Please see Authorization Handbook for more detailed Information.