Metro Nashville Public Schools has been designated as an “Advancing” school district by the Tennessee Department of Education based on 21-22 TCAP results, the second highest rating a district can achieve in the state’s accountability model, taking scores from a variety of metrics to show how the overall district has performed for its students. MNPS has increased the number of reward schools this year to 48, with 34 district-run and 14 charter schools shown achieving this top accountability status.
“None of the achievements we’re talking about happened by accident. They happened by design,” said Dr. Adrienne Battle, Director of Schools. “And they happened because of everyone’s hard work, resilience, flexibility and dedication. Students, teachers, support staff, principals and their school leadership teams, families, and community partners: We all did this together, and everyone should be extremely proud. This was an incredible team doing extraordinary work under difficult circumstances, with all students in the in-person environment for the first time since the start of the pandemic.”
Reward Schools are those that have scored in the top tier of the state’s accountability matrix, which factors in TCAP achievement scores, growth scores, chronic absence, English Learner proficiency, graduation rates, and Ready Graduate metrics, depending on the grade tier of the school.
MNPS Reward Schools
- Amqui Elementary
- Charlotte Park Elementary
- Cole Elementary
- Crieve Hall Elementary
- Dan Mills Elementary
- Dodson Elementary
- Eakin Elementary
- Early College High School
- East End Preparatory School*
- Explore Community School*
- Fall-Hamilton Elementary
- Glendale Elementary
- Glengarry Elementary
- Granbery Elementary
- Harpeth Valley Elementary
- Head Middle Magnet
- Hume - Fogg High
- Isaac Litton Middle
- J. E. Moss Elementary
- Joelton Elementary
- John B. Whitsitt Elementary
- J.T. Moore Middle
- Julia Green Elementary
- KIPP Academy Nashville*
- KIPP Nashville College Prep*
- KIPP Nashville College Prep Elementary*
- Lakeview Elementary
- Liberty Collegiate Academy*
- Lockeland Elementary
- Martin Luther King Jr. School
- May Werthan Shayne Elementary School
- Meigs Middle
- Nashville Classical*
- Nashville Prep*
- Neely's Bend Elementary
- Old Center Elementary
- Percy Priest Elementary
- Purpose Prep*
- Rocketship United*
- Rose Park Middle
- Smithson Craighead Academy*
- Strive Collegiate Academy*
- Sylvan Park Elementary
- Una Elementary
- Valor Flagship Academy*
- Valor Voyager Academy*
- Warner Elementary
- West End Middle
* denotes charter school.
Among the six schools that have exited priority school status are two schools, Warner Elementary and Amqui Elementary, which exited priority and have achieved Reward Status. The four other schools exiting priority status:
- Alex Green Elementary
- Cumberland Elementary
- McMurray Middle
- Robert Churchwell Museum Magnet Elementary
Overall, MNPS has gone from 24 district-run priority schools named in 2018 to 18 schools in the latest release. Eight schools, including one charter, have been newly designated with priority status for a total of 19. Typically, schools receive priority status for a three-year period and move into the Schools of Innovation division within MNPS to receive additional, intensive turnaround support. This year, the state is only issuing designations for a one-year period. The district will be working with these schools to ensure that evidence-based turnaround and success strategies are being implemented to support their students and faculty.
New Initiatives Help Accelerate Academic Growth
During the 2021-22 school year, several programs and initiatives were adopted to accelerate student academic growth and outcomes, leveraging a combination of federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds, state funding, and Metro Government resources. Some of the programs and initiatives helping to support students include:
- Accelerating Scholars – High-impact tutoring program that uses a combination of paid tutoring opportunities and volunteer tutoring to provide small group and one-on-one support in reading and math.
- Promising Scholars – Our summer learning program that extends the school year, combining instruction in literacy and numeracy along with fun STEAM activities.
- Literacy Reimagined – A program that seeks to increase the literacy skills of our students through additional supports for teachers and students, including the adoption of a high-quality English Language Arts curriculum with books and materials for all students and teachers, and an emphasis on foundational skills.
- Intervention Programs – The district has invested in personalized learning time by increasing interventions and supports for our students, especially those with exceptional needs and our English Learners, so they can receive intensive, individualized support.
- Advocacy Centers – A regulation space designed to support wellness for elementary students who become emotionally or behaviorally dysregulated during the school day and need short-term trauma-informed and restorative care.
“In Metro Schools, we are focused every day on making sure every student is known, understood, supported, cared for and on a path to success,” said Dr. Battle. “We want to see every student learning, growing, advancing and then, at the end of their time with us, not just collecting a diploma but confidently crossing that stage as a Ready Graduate who is prepared for college, career and everything life has to offer. And that mission will continue to guide us and inspire us and spur us on.”